What is Cryptozoology? Cryptozoology is ,by definition, the study of hidden animals. Now I know what you’re thinking “ Oh it’s about Bigfoot,but Bigfoot isn’t real ect…, but thats not what we’re talking about. Yes Bigfoot is a Cryptid but he is not the only one, in fact there are “hundreds” of Cryptids believed to exist. Cryptids are creatures said to exist through sighting or folklore. Before you think this is all fake, did you know animals such as the Kangaroo and Platypus were Cryptids once to? They were believed to be figments of an overactive imagination.
Now that you know what Cryptozoology is and know that its not all fake stories let me give you some examples of some cryptids you may or may not have heard of.
(from animal.discovery.com)
Bigfoot is believed to be a large mammal covered in hair and fur. It is probably the most common cryptid. Many people try to fake his existence or scare people by putting on costumes to look like him. There have been sightings of him all across America so you never know where you might encounter this large beast.
The chupacabra, or”goat sucker”as it says in English is a creature said to suck the blood from livestock in the areas of mexico and Texas There have been recent findings that may be evidence of the chupacabra’s existence. For example, in two different parts of Texas there have been carcasses found of an unidentifiable dog-like creature, and there are tests going on right now in order to find out if his is the actual chupacabra. Now on to some creatures you may not have heard of.
The Jersy Devil
(from theshadowlands.net)
The Jersey Devil is a creature from common folklore dating back many years ago there are many stories but the most common story is that it originated from the Mother Leeds who had 12 children. After finding out that that she was pregnant with a 13th child she exclaimed
“this one will be a devil”.After the infant was born, it began to change into a winged bipedal horse creature, it then attacked the mother and flew away leafing her with a large scratch on her arm. though this story is sceptical there have been recent sightings of this creature in southern New Jersey leaving you to wonder if the creature really exists.
The mothman is a winged humanoid creature said to have red eyes and to be an omen for bad happenings. On November 1966 two couples were riding along the highway during the night, while they were driving, they spotted something with red eyes at an old WW2 tnt facilety and decided to investigate .Once they got a better look at the creature, it looked humanoid with red eyes and with wings on its back. They quickly drove away but the creature gave chase until the car stopped and the creature flew away. Many days later the creature was sighted on the golden gate bridge , and a day later the bridge collapsed leaving 42 people dead. there have been other recent accidents related to the creature . The creature is said to be a warning to people that bad things will happen soon so if you have that weird feeling that something bad will happen make sure to watch the skies.